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Trend Alert: Green Events

Events Are Beginning to Look Different

Pamphlets and posters are being replaced with digital signage and apps, and creative sound and lighting effects are replacing generic decorations that would once have ended up in a landfill. ”Lots of small changes can make big change, and we all have a responsibility to do our part.” Says Chief Executive of Te Pae, Blair Glubb.

From ‘green’ refreshments to composting leftovers, establishing green “cred” is increasingly important for New Zealand’s venues, and sustainable events are becoming standard practice worldwide.

We’ve created a list of 5 environmentally friendly event initiative ideas that can make a massive difference to your event’s sustainability.

1. Serve green grub

Ensuring food served has not racked up a bunch of air miles earns brownie points, and it can prove cost-effective too!

So how do you cut down on food waste for a more sustainable event?

  • Incorporate as many seasonal/local/and organic food offerings as possible.

  • Opt for plated menus instead of buffets.

  • Ask for delegates’ dietary requirements in advance.

  • Get the clearest picture on final numbers as you can.

  • Don’t fall victim to the fear of running out.

2. Say goodbye to single-use plastic!

Most disposable plastics are difficult to recycle and a nightmare to deal with for waste management providers.

Here are some steps you can do to take to tackle the plastic problem:

  • At the event, instead of handing out plastic water bottles, place glasses and water pitchers in the meeting space.

  • Replace plastic spoons and straws with bamboo-based ones. You can even use compostable plant-based straws. Best of all, go straw-free and drink straight from the cup!

  • For catering, use tableware and utensils that can be washed and reused, or find biodegradable alternatives. There are numerous options available in biodegradable tableware that have a low carbon impact.

  • Ensure any packaging the food arrives in is recyclable.

3. Encourage group transportation

If many of your event attendees are using private vehicles to commute to the venue, the carbon footprint will end up being significantly higher.

Here’s what we recommend you can do to reduce this:

  • Save on carbon emissions by transporting more people at once using shuttle services to the accommodation and event venue.

  • Another option is encouraging attendees to carpool or take public transport, which you can incentivise by offering special products or discounts on the goods/services that will be showcased at the event

4. Prioritise recyclable materials

Recycling is an essential part of any green event strategy. The simplest action you can do is focus on using items for your event that are easily recycled.

How can your event keep to this strategy? We think it’s great to:

  • Focus on using items that are easily recycled – e.g. glass and cardboard.

  • Select suppliers who use compostable or recyclable packaging.

  • Recycle food and beverage containers.

  • Put up easy to view signage at your event, to inform visitors of recycling procedures.

  • Ensure there are well-labeled recycling stations around the event for attendees to use.

5. Switch from print to digital

Reduce waste going out by reducing what you bring on-site. An easy way to do this is to ditch paper and use digital alternatives.

New developments are always arising in the digital world. Here are some of the basics:

  • Use webinars, mobile apps, and online media kits to streamline the flow of meeting information.

  • Create an event website to provide important information, updates and highlight exciting details.

  • Send the event attendees follow-up emails, and online surveys instead of traditional direct mail.

Interested in making your next event ‘green’?

Talk to us! We use fresh thinking and a flexible approach to all events.